4. Method Of Product Sales

Starting with the unique sales channels and the number of transactions done through them.

SELECT sales_channel, count(sales_channel) AS Count
  FROM sales_order
  GROUP BY sales_channel
Sales Channel Count
In-Store 3,298
Online 2,425
Distributor 1,375
Wholesale 893

Most sales can in through the physical store, followed by online platforms and distributors, while the wholesale channel brought in the lowest number of transactions.

The total & average order quantity and sale from each sales channel.

WITH sc_qos AS (
    SELECT sales_channel,
           (order_quantity * unit_price) AS sales
      FROM sales_order
SELECT sales_channel,
       round(AVG(order_quantity), 2) AS Average_Order,
       SUM(order_quantity) AS Total_order,
       round(AVG(sales), 2) AS Average_Sales,
       round(SUM(sales), 2) AS Total_Sales
  FROM sc_qos
  GROUP BY sales_channel
  ORDER BY Total_Sales DESC;
Warning in result_create(conn@ptr, statement, is_statement): Cancelling previous
Sales Channel Average Order Total Order Average Sales Total Sales
In-Store 4.51 14,878 10,321.44 34,040,114
Online 4.49 10,897 10,156.60 24,629,756
Distributor 4.57 6,287 10,770.84 14,809,908
Wholesale 4.59 4,100 10,316.85 9,212,949


Given the rank of the number of transactions from each sales channel, the same can also be said for the total amount of order and sales, with the exception of the average sales of which the distributor channel had the highest while the online channel had the lowest.