

To assess the impact of the product advertisement on the conversation rate, we must establish clear definitions for the A and B groups:

The A group, also known as the test group, comprises users who viewed the advertisement.

The B group, known as the control group in our context, comprises users who did not encounter the advertisement but continued to view the public service announcement (PSA).

This distinction between the two groups is essential for our evaluation.

Total number of users involved in the experiment.



Total number of users in the Test group.



Total number of users in the Control group.



User Conversion

Total Users



Conversion Rate


For the experiment conducted on the company's community platform, a substantial user base was engaged, totaling 588,101 participants. Out of this sizable user pool, a relatively modest figure of 14,843 users achieved successful conversions, resulting in a conversion rate of 2.52%. This percentage highlights the portion of users who actively completed purchases during the experiment period, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of the company's strategies in driving both conversions and revenue.

Test Group



Conversion Rate


Out of the total user base of 588,101 participants in the experiment, a substantial majority, totaling 564,577 users, were randomly selected and given the opportunity to view the advertisement. This group represents approximately 96% of the total participants and is considered the test group, forming the primary basis for comparison against the control group.
Within this test group, 14,423 users successfully completed conversions, resulting in an approximate conversion rate of 2.55%. This percentage corresponds to roughly 2.45% of the total users who viewed the advertisement.

Control Group



Conversion Rate


Among the participants, a smaller subset, consisting of 23,524 users were exposed to a Public Service Announcement (PSA). This group accounts for approximately 4% of the total user base and is designated as the Control group.
Within the Control group, 420 users successfully completed conversions, resulting in a conversion rate of approximately 1.79%.
The Control group plays a pivotal role in our experiment, serving as a benchmark against which we can assess changes and improvements. This role enhances our comprehension of the experiment's overall impact on user behavior and conversions.

User Views

Views Per Day
Most_Views_Day Number_Users Percentage Total_Converted Conversion_Rate
0 Sunday 82332 14.58 2027 2.462
1 Monday 83571 14.80 2778 3.324
2 Tuesday 74572 13.21 2270 3.044
3 Wednesday 77418 13.71 1963 2.536
4 Thursday 79077 14.01 1711 2.164
5 Friday 88805 15.73 1995 2.246
6 Saturday 78802 13.96 1679 2.131
Most_Views_Day Number_Users Percentage Total_Converted Conversion_Rate
0 Sunday 3059 13.00 63 2.059
1 Monday 3502 14.89 79 2.256
2 Tuesday 2907 12.36 42 1.445
3 Wednesday 3490 14.84 55 1.576
4 Thursday 3905 16.60 79 2.023
5 Friday 3803 16.17 62 1.630
6 Saturday 2858 12.15 40 1.400

In the analysis of the highest number of ads and PSA views by day, several noteworthy patterns emerge. Friday emerges as the day with the highest number of users viewing the most ads in a single day, accounting for approximately 15.72% of users, closely followed by Monday and Sunday. However, despite its high ad views, Friday records one of the lowest conversion rates at 2.25%. On the contrary, Monday, with a substantial number of users who converted, achieves the highest conversion rate at 3.32%. Tuesday, despite low ad views, surprisingly secures the second-highest conversion rate at 3.04%.
In terms of PSA views, Thursday takes the lead, closely followed by Friday, each capturing around 16% of users. Monday and Wednesday also exhibit significant engagement. Notably, Saturday registers the lowest user activity for PSA views, with Tuesday trailing closely behind. The conversion rates for PSA views follow a slightly different trend, with Monday leading in conversions, followed by Thursday, and Saturday recording the lowest number of users who converted despite its view count.
These insights provide valuable information about user engagement patterns for each day of the week and how they relate to conversion rates.

Views Per Hour
Most_Views_Hour Number_Users Percentage Total_Converted Conversion_Rate
0 0 5309 0.94 102 1.921
1 1 4615 0.82 62 1.343
2 2 5152 0.91 39 0.757
3 3 2590 0.46 27 1.042
4 4 694 0.12 11 1.585
5 5 742 0.13 16 2.156
6 6 1985 0.35 46 2.317
7 7 6168 1.09 114 1.848
8 8 16968 3.01 337 1.986
9 9 29802 5.28 582 1.953
10 10 37454 6.63 818 2.184
11 11 44149 7.82 992 2.247
12 12 45238 8.01 1092 2.414
13 13 45485 8.06 1140 2.506
14 14 43779 7.75 1251 2.858
15 15 42855 7.59 1279 2.984
16 16 35963 6.37 1111 3.089
17 17 33605 5.95 959 2.854
18 18 31052 5.50 853 2.747
19 19 29169 5.17 782 2.681
20 20 27846 4.93 843 3.027
21 21 28895 5.12 843 2.917
22 22 25515 4.52 675 2.646
23 23 19547 3.46 449 2.297
Most_Views_Hour Number_Users Percentage Total_Converted Conversion_Rate
0 0 227 0.96 0 0.000
1 1 187 0.79 0 0.000
2 2 181 0.77 0 0.000
3 3 89 0.38 1 1.124
4 4 28 0.12 0 0.000
5 5 23 0.10 0 0.000
6 6 83 0.35 0 0.000
7 7 237 1.01 2 0.844
8 8 659 2.80 7 1.062
9 9 1202 5.11 13 1.082
10 10 1485 6.31 20 1.347
11 11 2061 8.76 30 1.456
12 12 2060 8.76 35 1.699
13 13 2170 9.22 36 1.659
14 14 1869 7.95 30 1.605
15 15 1828 7.77 46 2.516
16 16 1604 6.82 45 2.805
17 17 1383 5.88 28 2.025
18 18 1271 5.40 32 2.518
19 19 1183 5.03 29 2.451
20 20 1077 4.58 19 1.764
21 21 1081 4.60 24 2.220
22 22 917 3.90 15 1.636
23 23 619 2.63 8 1.292

In the examination of the highest number of ads views per hour, distinct patterns emerge throughout the day. User engagement spikes considerably starting from 8 am and peaks between 11 am and 3 pm, with an average of 44,301 users during these hours. Conversely, the period from midnight to 7 am sees the lowest number of users, averaging approximately 3,407 users, as expected. As for conversion rates during these hours, a compelling narrative unfolds. From 9 am onward, there's a consistent upward trend in conversion rates, reaching its zenith between 2 pm and 4 pm. Subsequently, conversion rates start to decline from 5 pm to 7 pm and again from 8 pm to 11 pm. These fluctuations in conversion rates align with the varying levels of user activity during these hours, revealing when users are most and least likely to convert.