
Visit Frequency

Considering that a significant portion of customers rarely visit Coffee House, there is an opportunity for the coffee house to enhance customer retention by prioritizing post-sales services. Implementing strategies such as introducing membership programs, organizing regular raffle draws, and exploring other engagement initiatives can contribute to increased customer awareness and loyalty. These efforts can play a pivotal role in attracting and retaining customers who may not visit frequently, fostering a stronger and more enduring connection between Coffee House and its customers.

Order Comfort

Given that over 55% of respondents prefer quick order service such as take-away and drive-through, it is recommended that Coffee House prioritize and optimize these services. Additionally, for customers who favor `dining in` and value a pleasant ambiance, attention should be given to maintaining a conducive environment.

Also, it is essential to investigate the reasons why some customers who prefer quick service options might be spending longer than expected at the outlet. Once identified, prompt and effective solutions should be implemented to optimize the efficiency of these services and enhance the overall customer experience.


Emphasizing the mutual benefits of membership for both customers and the coffee house is crucial. Customers gain access to special pricing, exclusive services, and unique occasions, depending on their membership level. Simultaneously, the business stands to gain increased customer loyalty, higher average spend, positive word-of-mouth marketing, and various other advantages.

In light of these benefits, actively encouraging more customers to obtain membership is important. A comprehensive promotion strategy, showcasing the advantages of membership, can be implemented to attract and retain customers, fostering a stronger and more loyal customer base.

Price Restructuring

Enhancing customer satisfaction through a reevaluation of the pricing structure is a pivotal strategy to improve retention. Coffee House should consider several key factors during this process, including customer annual income and average spend, the cost and competitor's price, among others. Additionally, offering exclusive price discounts based on membership can be a compelling incentive for customers.

A comprehensive review of the pricing strategy, taking into account these factors, can lead to a more customer-centric approach. This approach not only aligns with customer expectations but also positions Coffee House competitively in the market.

Better Promotion

As the rating results underscore the significant influence of promotions on customer purchase decisions, there is a clear opportunity to enhance future promotional strategies. Targeting both current customers and potentially new ones with more precision is essential. Utilizing effective mediums such as social media, website ads, and word-of-mouth can maximize promotional reach and impact.

Conducting further analysis to discern and categorize customers based on their preferences is equally important. This segmentation approach enables tailored and more personalized promotional campaigns, ensuring that promotional efforts resonate with diverse customer groups. By refining the promotion strategy in this manner, Coffee House can optimize its promotional impact, effectively attracting and retaining customers in a targeted and strategic manner.